AcasăNewsUitati de Iohannis si Dancila! Bilderbergii ne-au decis soarta

Uitati de Iohannis si Dancila! Bilderbergii ne-au decis soarta

De la stanga la dreapta: Satya Nadella – CEO Microsoft, Eric Schmidt – CEO Google si Alex Karp, CEO Palantir, la Cnferinta Bilderberg

Lasati deoparte, pentru cateva clipe, bataliile politice interne, care oricum nu trezesc vreun interes dincolo de aceste granite, si cititi ce s-a mai discutat la Montreaux, in Elvetia, acolo unde si-au dat intalnire cei mai importanti oameni ai planetei. Iar cand lipim eticheta asta, nu avem in vedere lideri de state ca Trump si Putin, nicidecum, ci magnati periculosi, bancheri fara scrupule, puternici moguli media si invitatii lor. Cu totii formeaza elita, iar crema conduce organizatia care da ora exacta in lume – Grupul Bilderberg tocmai ne-a decis soarta, asa ca uitati de Iohannis si Dancila, niste razboinici ambitiosi de colivie!

De la stanga la dreapta Satya Nadella CEO Microsoft Eric Schmidt CEO Google si Alex Karp CEO Palantir la Cnferinta Bilderberg

In anii ’50, dupa ce a pus umarul la crearea Grupului Bilderberg, Printul Bernhard al Tarilor de Jos, unul dintre co-fondatori, afirma: „Bilderberg urmareste evitarea unor caderi economice severe, cum a fost Marea Depresiune. Un asemenea tel poate fi atins doar daca lideri influenti si responsabili vor administra evenimentele globale din spatele posturii lor publice”. Este clar ca Noua Ordine Mondiala nu mai tine de domeniul teoriei conspiratiei. De altfel, la Montreaux, chiar „bilderbergii” si-au trecut pe ordinea de zi discutii despre noua ordine strategica, iar pentru asta l-au invitat la intalnire si pe Mike Pompeo, consilierul presedintelui SUA pe probleme de politica externa. Se asteapta in curand un mesaj puternic care va „lovi” intreg Orientul Mijlociu: „Proiectul secolului” este, de fapt, o miscare politico-militara prin care se urmareste anihilarea totala a Palestinei!

Isarescu, ignorat

Degeaba si-a construit in Romania o fortareata inexpugnabila, ca in afara tarii nu mai are niciun fel de sustinere. Asa cum a anuntat National, guvernatorul BNR nu a fost invitat la reuniunea din acest an a Grupului Bilderberg, semn ca elita planetei l-a lasat din brate pe Manole. Altadata o prezenta constanta la aceste evenimente, Isarescu a ajuns sa se informeze despre ce s-a discutat la Montreaux din buletinul informativ postat pe pagina online a grupului (

Montreux Palace locul unde s a decis soarta lumii

In schimb, au fost chemati in Elvetia alti lideri de opinie si politicieni din Est, printre care Jolanta Pienkowska (o jurnalista poloneza angajata a unei televiziuni cu finantare americana), Radoslaw Sikorski (ex-ministru de Externe al Poloniei), Rafal Trzaskowski, primarul Varsoviei, si Juri Ratas, premierul Estoniei. Se asteapta ca Polonia sa urmeze calea Romaniei, prin formarea unei noi forte politice progresisto-globaliste, care la viitoarele alegeri generale (vara lui 2020) sa „smulga” tara din ghearele euroscepticilor nationalisti de la „Lege si Justitie” (PiS).

Au ales noul cancelar al Germaniei

Zice-se ca elitele se intalnesc an de an in Elvetia si ca sa verifice vocatiile noilor „cadre” impuse in fruntea statelor (sau a unor institutii publice) unde Grupul Bilderberg are interese. Iata de ce, scrie Daily Mail, cel mai asteptat moment la Montreaux a fost prezentarea Annegretei Kramp-Karrenbauer, liderul partidului CDU, cea care a fost aleasa sa devina noul cancelar al Germaniei! Pana de curand, insasi Angela Merkel o vedea pe Kramp-Karrenbauer succesoarea sa la Berlin, dar in ultima vreme intre cele doua s-a produs o falie.

Mike Pompeo a descins la intalnirea Bilderbergilor

Daily Mail scrie ca, prin mana intinsa si sprijinul oferit, Grupul Bilderberg transmite un semnal puternic, anume ca Annegreta Kramp-Karrenbauer trebuie sa fie viitorul cancelar al Germaniei si asta indiferent de optiunea Angelei Merkel, aflata oricum pe ultima suta de metri a carierei politice.

Reamintim ca istoria recenta a Germaniei a mai cunoscut o situatie similara, cu Helmut Schmidt devenind cancelar in 1974, la un an distanta dupa ce fusese invitat si prezentat membrilor Grupului Bilderberg.

Ei sunt elita

Sa cunoastem o mica parte din elita care conduce, de fapt, Grupul Bilderberg. Mathias Döpfner este directorul executiv al gigantului Axel Springer (detine publicatiile Die Welt, Bild, Business Insider etc), John Micklethwait (proprietarul agentiei Bloomberg), Zanny Minton Beddoes (proprietarul revistei The Economist), Lilli Gruber (seful televiziunii La7), Thomas Leysen (controleaza grupul bancar KBC si compania Mediahuis, care dicteaza tot in mass-media din Belgia si Olanda). Asadar, „bilderbergii” controleaza tot ce apare in presa, fiecare informatie oferita cititorului; dupa aceste noutati, parca si fenomenul „fake news” capata alte intelesuri, nu-i asa?!

Din nucleul „dur” al Grupului, sa-i reamintim pe Harry Kissinger, Jose Manuel Barroso (fostul sef al Comisiei Europene este in prezent presedintele Gold­man Sachs), Mark Carney (guvernatorul Bancii Angliei), Mark Tucker (presedintele colosului bancar HSBC), Ana Botin (director executiv la Banca Santander), Paul Achleitner (controleaza Deu­tsche Bank si este trezorierul Comitetului de conducere al Grupului Bilderberg).

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Nicholas Cezar Redactor
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  1. Este posibil ca reprezentantii Bubulilor sa fi decis soarta si a Chinei?ma cam indoiesc,deoarece se chinuiesc un pic sa incalece ursul de la rasarit si mai au mult timp de lucru,aproape ca se amana sine die.

  2. Here is the full list of attendees to this year’s Bilderberg Meeting:

    Montreux, 30 May – 2 June 2019


    Castries, Henri de (FRA), Chairman, Steering Committee; Chairman, Institut Montaigne
    Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), President, American Friends of Bilderberg Inc.; Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
    Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Chairman Foundation Bilderberg Meetings; Professor of Economics, Leiden University
    Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Treasurer Foundation Bilderberg Meetings; Chairman Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG

    Abrams, Stacey (USA), Founder and Chair, Fair Fight
    Adonis, Andrew (GBR), Member, House of Lords
    Albers, Isabel (BEL), Editorial Director, De Tijd / L’Echo
    Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chairman, Evercore
    Arbour, Louise (CAN), Senior Counsel, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
    Arrimadas, Inés (ESP), Party Leader, Ciudadanos
    Azoulay, Audrey (INT), Director-General, UNESCO
    Baker, James H. (USA), Director, Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense
    Balta, Evren (TUR), Associate Professor of Political Science, Özyegin University
    Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), Chairwoman and CEO, Temaris & Associés
    Barbot, Estela (PRT), Member of the Board and Audit Committee, REN (Redes Energéticas Nacionais)
    Barroso, José Manuel (PRT), Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Former President, European Commission
    Barton, Dominic (CAN), Senior Partner and former Global Managing Partner, McKinsey & Company
    Beaune, Clément (FRA), Adviser Europe and G20, Office of the President of the Republic of France
    Boos, Hans-Christian (DEU), CEO and Founder, Arago GmbH
    Bostrom, Nick (UK), Director, Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University
    Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Group Executive Chair, Banco Santander
    Brandtzæg, Svein Richard (NOR), Chairman, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
    Brende, Børge (NOR), President, World Economic Forum
    Buberl, Thomas (FRA), CEO, AXA
    Buitenweg, Kathalijne (NLD), MP, Green Party
    Caine, Patrice (FRA), Chairman and CEO, Thales Group
    Carney, Mark J. (GBR), Governor, Bank of England
    Casado, Pablo (ESP), President, Partido Popular
    Ceviköz, Ahmet Ünal (TUR), MP, Republican People’s Party (CHP)
    Champagne, François Philippe (CAN), Minister of Infrastructure and Communities
    Cohen, Jared (USA), Founder and CEO, Jigsaw, Alphabet Inc.
    Croiset van Uchelen, Arnold (NLD), Partner, Allen & Overy LLP
    Daniels, Matthew (USA), New space and technology projects, Office of the Secretary of Defense
    Davignon, Etienne (BEL), Minister of State
    Demiralp, Selva (TUR), Professor of Economics, Koç University
    Donohoe, Paschal (IRL), Minister for Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform
    Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chairman and CEO, Axel Springer SE
    Ellis, James O. (USA), Chairman, Users’ Advisory Group, National Space Council
    Feltri, Stefano (ITA), Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Il Fatto Quotidiano
    Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
    Findsen, Lars (DNK), Director, Danish Defence Intelligence Service
    Fleming, Jeremy (GBR), Director, British Government Communications Headquarters
    Garton Ash, Timothy (GBR), Professor of European Studies, Oxford University
    Gnodde, Richard J. (IRL), CEO, Goldman Sachs International
    Godement, François (FRA), Senior Adviser for Asia, Institut Montaigne
    Grant, Adam M. (USA), Saul P. Steinberg Professor of Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
    Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor “Otto e mezzo”, La7 TV
    Hanappi-Egger, Edeltraud (AUT), Rector, Vienna University of Economics and Business
    Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation; Former European Commissioner
    Henry, Mary Kay (USA), International President, Service Employees International Union
    Hirayama, Martina (CHE), State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation
    Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investments LLC
    Hoffman, Reid (USA), Co-Founder, LinkedIn; Partner, Greylock Partners
    Hoffmann, André (CHE), Vice-Chairman, Roche Holding Ltd.
    Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. (USA), Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
    Jost, Sonja (DEU), CEO, DexLeChem
    Kaag, Sigrid (NLD), Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation
    Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies
    Kerameus, Niki K. (GRC), MP; Partner, Kerameus & Partners
    Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.
    Koç, Ömer (TUR), Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
    Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Professor in History and International Affairs, Princeton University
    Kramp-Karrenbauer, Annegret (DEU), Leader, CDU
    Krastev, Ivan (BUL), Chairman, Centre for Liberal Strategies
    Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
    Kristersson, Ulf (SWE), Leader of the Moderate Party
    Kudelski, André (CHE), Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group
    Kushner, Jared (USA), Senior Advisor to the President, The White House
    Le Maire, Bruno (FRA), Minister of Finance
    Leyen, Ursula von der (DEU), Federal Minster of Defence
    Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chairman, KBC Group and Umicore
    Liikanen, Erkki (FIN), Chairman, IFRS Trustees; Helsinki Graduate School of Economics
    Lund, Helge (GBR), Chairman, BP plc; Chairman, Novo Nordisk AS
    Maurer, Ueli (CHE), President of the Swiss Federation and Federal Councillor of Finance
    Mazur, Sara (SWE), Director, Investor AB
    McArdle, Megan (USA), Columnist, The Washington Post
    McCaskill, Claire (USA), Former Senator; Analyst, NBC News
    Medina, Fernando (PRT), Mayor of Lisbon
    Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP
    Minton Beddoes, Zanny (GBR), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
    Monzón, Javier (ESP), Chairman, PRISA
    Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates
    Nadella, Satya (USA), CEO, Microsoft
    Netherlands, His Majesty the King of the (NLD)
    Nora, Dominique (FRA), Managing Editor, L’Obs
    O’Leary, Michael (IRL), CEO, Ryanair D.A.C.
    Pagoulatos, George (GRC), Vice-President of ELIAMEP, Professor; Athens University of Economics
    Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), CEO, TITAN Cement Company S.A.
    Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute
    Pienkowska, Jolanta (POL), Anchor woman, journalist
    Pottinger, Matthew (USA), Senior Director, National Security Council
    Pouyanné, Patrick (FRA), Chairman and CEO, Total S.A.
    Ratas, Jüri (EST), Prime Minister
    Renzi, Matteo (ITA), Former Prime Minister; Senator, Senate of the Italian Republic
    Rockström, Johan (SWE), Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
    Rubin, Robert E. (USA), Co-Chairman Emeritus, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Treasury Secretary
    Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister
    Sabia, Michael (CAN), President and CEO, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
    Sanger, David E. (USA), National Security Correspondent, The New York Times
    Sarts, Janis (INT), Director, NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence
    Sawers, John (GBR), Executive Chairman, Newbridge Advisory
    Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
    Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Technical Advisor, Alphabet Inc.
    Scholten, Rudolf (AUT), President, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue
    Seres, Silvija (NOR), Independent Investor
    Shafik, Minouche (GBR), Director, The London School of Economics and Political Science
    Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), MP, European Parliament
    Singer, Peter Warren (USA), Strategist, New America
    Sitti, Metin (TUR), Professor, Koç University; Director, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
    Snyder, Timothy (USA), Richard C. Levin Professor of History, Yale University
    Solhjell, Bård Vegar (NOR), CEO, WWF – Norway
    Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO
    Suleyman, Mustafa (GBR), Co-Founder, Deepmind
    Supino, Pietro (CHE), Publisher and Chairman, Tamedia Group
    Teuteberg, Linda (DEU), General Secretary, Free Democratic Party
    Thiam, Tidjane (CHE), CEO, Credit Suisse Group AG
    Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital
    Trzaskowski, Rafal (POL), Mayor of Warsaw
    Tucker, Mark (GBR), Group Chairman, HSBC Holding plc
    Tugendhat, Tom (GBR), MP, Conservative Party
    Turpin, Matthew (USA), Director for China, National Security Council
    Uhl, Jessica (NLD), CFO and Exectuive Director, Royal Dutch Shell plc
    Vestergaard Knudsen, Ulrik (DNK), Deputy Secretary-General, OECD
    Walker, Darren (USA), President, Ford Foundation
    Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
    Wolf, Martin H. (GBR), Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
    Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), Chief Revenue Officer, WarnerMedia
    Zetsche, Dieter (DEU), Former Chairman, Daimler AG
    This year will be the second time the Bilderberg meeting has been held in Switzerland. In 2011, it was held in St Moritz, in the country’s southeast.

  3. +iHS+ The monster octopus has so many tentacles. But of all these sucking arms, nothing is more secretive than the Central Bank of all central banks, the BIS that is nestled in a country with a Red Cross flag to represent it.

    The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) headquarter as shown above looks a lot like the Vatican Bank in Rome because it is a Vatican Bank – Meet The Secretive Group That Runs The World –

  4. Jesuit Assistancy Soldier, James Grummer controls the United States Corporation.
    In 2005, Fr. Grummer was appointed as the regional assistant for the United States to the s Father General, Fr. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach.

    In 2008, Father General, Adolfo Nicolás S.J., announced the re-appointment of Grummer as his American assistant.

    The New Black Pope Installed on October 15, 2016
    Superior General Arturo Sosa Abascal , New Black Pope Installed with a ranking 6 levels above Pope Francis!
    He is the most powerful man on Earth, who rules over Maritime Laws (business) . He controls the banking system, Freemasonry and the Secret Services (CIA, FBI, NSA, SIS, MI6, Scotland Yard, Mossad, CSIS, DGSE, FSB). The Vatican owns 60% of all of Israels land and the Land of the Temple Mount for their Third Solomon’s Temple where they want their throne. He is a part of the Arcana Arcanorum controlled by the Papal Bloodlines within the I-Mori. These bloodlines are the omega point of control. These are the Farnese, ORSINI, Aldobrandini, Somaglia & Breakspear. Their war room command center is within the Borgo Santo Spirito which is missile protected! Viktor Emmanuelle IV wanted to nuke this region of Rome. Henry Breakspear and Pepe Orsini are in high control! Jesuit Assistancy Soldier, James Grummer controls the United States Corporation.

    For the first time in almost 500 years of life, the Company of Jesus, the most numerous and influential religious order of Catholicism, will be led by a non-European, and in particular from a Latin-American. And this just at the moment when there is a Pope, in turn, himself aJjesuit, he is also Latino-American.

    The election of Father Arturo Sosa Abascal was within the plans of the general congregation in Rome on October 2, which took place the morning shortly after 11.30 am, when the classroom was heard to roar a big round of applause. The first to publicly communicate the name of the new Father General is respected the tradition that the first to be informed of the Pope, in virtue of the special bond that unites the order founded by Ignatius of Loyola to the successor of Peter.
    It is not Zionist or Khazarian Jews – or Israel – or Jewish neo-conservatives who have been – or are – running the USA, as some folks allege but they play a rather large role with the relationship of the Illuminati with the Jesuits. RATHER, agents of Papal Rome have been running the U.S. for over a century! Yes, they do occasionally place a Papal “court Jew” in a prominent position (e.g., the head of the Federal Reserve) to give the New World Order conspiracy a Jewish “flavor”; however, Papal Rome is the real controller of the U.S.! (And she rules the U.S. from “behind the scenes”!)

    Make no mistake, the U.S. and all its townships, cities, counties and states are incorporated separately and owned by Papal Rome :

  5. Mulțam dnu Nick Cezar pt. informații.Practic ăștia globalizeaza lumea forțat impotriva voinței cetățenilor planetei și iau masuri peste capul lor nefiind aleși de nimeni in acest sens! Au decis desființarea unei țări!? Ceva nemaiîntălnit pînă acum..Schimbarea liniei politice a unei țări-Polonia pe modelul recent al României..Acolo nu exista DNA represiunea externa care sa aresteze și sa condamne patrioții polonezi!Sînt curios cum vor face asta la leși..Ăia au altă fibra sint muult mai patrioți și mai credincioși decit românii.Practic au fost prima țară care a ieșit de sub papucul rușior în anii 80!Acu ies de sub jugul mUE..Islamizarea și metisarea Europei cum mai merge? Anihilarea creștinismului în Europa e în parametri??

  6. What Does the Top Russian Orthodox Priest, The Pope and S.S. Skull and Bones Have in Common?Jesuits Run the World. Period. If this doesn’t convince you, then please read the links below with many articles chronicling their control of world events for hundreds of years.

    Did you know Fidel Castro is a full-blown Jesuit?

    Did you know the Bay Of Pigs was a Jesuit operation?

    Did you know that CIA director Allen Dulles, a Knight of Malta and Nazi-protector, backed Castro calling him “the Abraham Lincoln of Cuba”?

    Did you know that the Bolshevik Revolution that killed 30-60 million ethnic Russians was created in the Bronx (NY) by the Jesuits?

    Did you know the Cold War was a Jesuit-engineered psyop?

    Did you know that both Russia and the U.S. were working together on Operation Fishbowl from ‘1958-1962’ during the supposed Cold War?

    Did you know that Russia and the U.S. are both identical signatories to the Antarctic Treaty in 1961, during the supposed Cold War?

    Did you know that Russia and the U.S. staged the Cold War collapse together to eventually destroy America?

    Did you know that Russia’s SURA Program is the equivalent to the U.S.’s HAARP program but much more powerful?

    If Russia was truly anti-NWO how come not a peep about the geoengineering above their skies?

    Why does the U.S. buy Russian RD-180 rocket engines?

    Why did the U.S. buy dozens of Russian MI-17 Helicopters for the Afghan Army?

    Do you find it interesting that Judge Antonin Scalia (jesuit-trained) was murdered the day after on the occult Lupercalia day (Valentines Day)?


    Does all this make you feel that the U.S. and Russia are playing Punch and Judy? –

  7. +iHS+ The Papal Bloodlines:
    All controlled through the Jesuit Order and their Knights of Malta & Teutonic Knights all based in Rome.
    Pepe Orsini – Italy
    Henry Breakspear – Macau, China
    This is the true power finally.
    This is the Guelph and the Ghibelline power over mankind.
    The cecil family were controlled by the powerful Jesuit family known as the Pallavicini.
    Maria Camilla Pallavicini is far more powerful than Queen Elizabeth II.
    The Queen and Prince Philip are totally subordinate to the Papal Bloodline the Breakspear Family and their Jesuit UKHQ at 114 Mount Street.
    the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family.
    The Papal Bloodlines are the secret shadow hieracy of the Jesuit Order even behind the Black Pope touted at the #1.
    These powerful bloodlines are the Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese & Aldobrandini.
    You’ll notice David Rothschild marrying into the Aldobrandini with the pretty, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini.

    Another real head of this is Henry Breakspear who resides now in Macau in China.
    Many of the Papal Bloodline heads now live in Asia and India. What does that tell you?
    The current Black Pope, Adolfo Nicholas was bought forward for the position due to the Jesuits bringing about of Asia as the next power player of the agenda.

    Both this Black Pope and the white Pope aren’t of Papal Bloodline, they are both commoners.

    House of Borja
    House of Breakspeare
    House of Somaglia
    House of Orsini
    House of Conti
    House of Chigi
    House of Colonna
    House of Farnese
    House of Medici
    House of Gaetani
    House of Pamphili
    House of Este
    House of Aldobrandini

    These Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers are in Full Control of the Company of Jesus, High Grey Council of Ten, and the Black Pope

    This is some good info on the Black Pope:

    The ‘Black Pope’, Superior Jesuit General (The President of the World), speaks at Loyola ‘Military Fortress’ University in his un-ratified 14th Amendment ‘Little Rome’ D.C United States Corporation.

    A corporation under International Maritime Admiralty Law (Uniform Commerical Code) based upon Vatican Canon Law and perfected by the Roman Empire.

    He lies about his power, he’s over the Pope as of 1814.

    He only serves and works with the shadow Jesuits being the Papal Bloodline Orsini’s, Breakspear’s, Aldobrandini’s, Farnese’s, Somalgia’s.

    Adolfo is not of Papal Bloodline, some Black Pope’s have been.

    The next in power beneath the Jesuits is the Bourbon, King Juan Carlos of Spain. The Roman Monarch of the World, The King of Jerusalem and SMOM Military Navigator.

    This is the true World’s power system right now.

    Adolfo serves as a military General protecting the Zoroathrianism and Mithraism mystery schools.

    The Jesuits were created by the Papal Bloodline Farnese during the reign of Farnese Pope Paul III.

    Loyola was commissioned by Alessandro Cardinal Farnese.

    The Borgia crime family created the Jesuits!!

  8. Uniunea Europeana(the 4th REICH) = tarfa sionisto marxista a +iHS+ Vaticanului – Angela Merkel and Pope Francis meet for the SIXTH time to Push European Alliance

    Just as in the 6th century, when the Papacy received power from the nations of Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire, Prophecy declares that the Papacy will receive power once more, as it is stated … „And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb.” (Rev.17:12-14).

  9. Mitropolitul Antonie Bloom al Surojului (Patriarhia rusă) în scrisoarea adresată Patriarhului Alexie II spune următoarele:

    „A sosit timpul când trebuie să conştientizăm că Roma doreşte exclusiv să nimicească Ortodoxia. Toate întâlnirile teologice interconfesionale şi „apropierile” reciproce semnate doar pe hârtii nu ne duc nicăieri. Pentru că dincolo de ele stă dorinţa fermă a Vaticanului să înghită Biserica Ortodoxă.”

    • Vaticanul nu va inghiti ortodoxia.Dar sigur, impreuna , vor fi mai puternici.
      Te ai gandit vreo clipa cum e sa te nasti fiu sau nepot al astora ?
      Nu trebuie sa fi frumos, nici inteligent.Trebuie doar sa te nasti.

  10. Băi, Kennedy, da’ ne mai lași și pe noi să comentăm? Dă-te-n sânge de propagandist, ajunge, că fac constipație de la atâta conspirație, lua-mi-ai cucu’n fălci!!

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