AcasăȘTIRI EXTERNEDecizie istorică în SUA. Ce a transmis Trump, după ce a fost...

Decizie istorică în SUA. Ce a transmis Trump, după ce a fost pus oficial sub acuzare. Mesajul lui Biden – VIDEO

Decizie istorică în SUA. Ce a transmis Trump, după ce a fost pus oficial sub acuzare. Mesajul lui Biden - VIDEO

O lume întreagă a stat, miercuri, cu ochii pe Statele Unite, acolo unde Camera Reprezentanţilor a votat, miercuri, punerea sub acuzare lui Donald Trump, pentru incitarea susţinătorilor săi, în cazul incidentelor de la Capitoliu.

S-a întâmplat la fix o săptămână de la episoadele violente care au îngrijorat întreaga Planetă și care s-au soldat cu morți și răniți.

Procedura de punere sub acuzare (impeachment) a lui Trump, pentru ”incitare la insurecţie”, a primit 232 de voturi pentru – inclusiv 10 de la republicani, și 197 împotrivă.

Astfel, Trump a devenit primul președinte american care este pus sub acuzare de două ori, după momentul decembrie 2019. Decizia finală în privința înlăturării republicanului va aparține Senatului, unde urmează să aibă loc un proces.

Trump, prim mesaj

După decizia de miercuri, Trump a transmis un mesaj video, postat pe contul de Twitter al Casei Albe – avânt în vedere că ale sale conturi de pe rețelele de socializare au fost blocate. Fără să facă referire directă la punerea sa sub acuzare, ci doar la violențele de la Capitoliu, pe care le-a condamnat.

”Vreau să fiu foarte clar: condamn, fără echivoc, violenţele petrecute săptămâna trecută. violenţa şi vandalismul nu au niciun loc în ţara noastră şi niciun loc în mişcarea noastră”, a spus Trump.

”Niciun adevărat susţinător de-ai mei nu ar putea susţine vreodată violenţa politică, nu ar putea vreodată să nu respecte forţele de ordine sau steagul nostru american măreţ”, a susținut președintele în exercițiu.

Trump a afirmat, totodată, că ”cei care au fost implicaţi în atacul de săptămâna trecută vor fi aduşi în faţa justiţiei”.

Reacția lui Biden

Președintele ales al Statelor Unite a transmis un mesaj după aflarea deciziei în cazul Trump, mai ales că acesta urmează să depună jurământul pe 20 ianuarie.

”A fost un vot bipartizan exprimat de reprezentanți, care au dat curs Constituției și propriei conștiințe”, a subliniat președintele ales, acesta adăugând că speră că Senatul ”va găsi o modalitate de a gestiona responsabilităţile constituţionale în ce priveşte procesul” lui Trump şi să lucreze ”în acelaşi timp la problemele urgente ale naţiunii”.

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Andrei Coman
640 afisari


  1. O să-l regrete întreaga lume pe Trump. Nici nu va imaginați cine stă cu adevărat în spatele lui Biden. Dar deja e târziu. Nenorociți au pus mâna pe America și urmează dezastrul. Spre Marea Resetare

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    President-elect Joe Biden – „bought off by foreign governments, Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies” – should be impeached when he takes office, according to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., on Newsmax TV.

    „I’m tired of Republicans who lay down and allow this country to be ravaged, allow Democrats to abuse their power in their positions, and I believe it’s time for Republicans to stand up for the American people and do a good job in Congress,” Greene told Wednesday’s „Greg Kelly Reports.”

    „I would like to announce on behalf of the American people, we have to make sure that our leaders are held accountable. We cannot have a president of the United States that is willing to abuse the power of the office of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments, Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies.

    „So, on Jan. 21, I will be filing articles of impeachment on Joe Biden.”

    Constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz warned the Senate during the first impeachment trial of President Donald Trump that attempting to impeach a president for an abuse of power is a slippery slope that would endanger democracy.

    „If they want to lower the bar on what impeachment is then, yes, let’s roll with it,” Greene said. „Americans want this to happen. Americans are sick and tired and fed up.

    „We don’t need a man serving in the presidency of the United States who is guilty of committing the crime of abuse of power and is under investigation with Hunter Biden’s laptop, his very own son. This is not the direction our country needs to go in and I hope my Republican colleagues agree with me.” Home | Newsmax TV

  3. Using the @WhiteHouse account, the president did not address impeachment but spoke of the events at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

    „As I have said, the incursion of the U.S Capitol struck at the very heart of our Republic,” Trump said from behind his desk in the Oval Office. „It angered and appalled millions of Americans across the political spectrum.

    “I want to be very clear — I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week.”

    Five people died as a result of the storming of the Capitol by demonstrators protesting the election results. Trump had alleged voter fraud resulted in Joe Biden winning the election.

    In his address, Trump said violence and vandalism never should be included in the movement he has led.

    “’Making America Great Again’ has always been about defending the rule of law,” Trump said with hands folded on the desk. “Supporting the men and women of law enforcement, and upholding our nation’s most sacred traditions and values.

    “Mob violence goes against everything believe in and everything our movement stands for. No true supporter of mine could ever endorse political violence. No true supporter of mine could ever disrespect law enforcement or our great American flag. No true supporter of mine could ever harass their fellow Americans. If you do any of these things, you are not supporting our movement, you are attacking it and you are attacking our country. We cannot tolerate it.”

    Trump said we’ve seen political violence “spiral out of control” during the past year consumed by the coronavirus pandemic. Trump said he was asking all of his supporters to, “be thinking of a way to ease tensions, calm tempers and help to promote peace in our country.”

    The president said the Secret Service has him reports of potential demonstrations in the coming days in Washington, D.C., and at state capitals around the country. He added thousands of National Guardsmen would help defend the capital as the inauguration approaches next Wednesday, and he had directed federal agencies to use all necessary resources to maintain order.
    President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Wednesday night to condemn the violence at the U.S. Capitol last week.

    Using the @WhiteHouse account, the president did not address impeachment but spoke of the events at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

    “Every American deserves to have their voice heard in a peaceful and respectful way,” Trump said. “That is your first amendment right, But I cannot emphasize [enough] there must be no violence, no law-breaking and no vandalism of any kind. Everyone must follow our laws and obey the instructions of law enforcement.”

    As he ended his address, Trump said: “Let us choose to move forward united for the good of our families, our communities and our country.”

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