AcasăNewsFamilia Bin Laden, calcata de hoti la Paris

Familia Bin Laden, calcata de hoti la Paris

FILE--Exiled Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden speaks in 1998 at a meeting at an undisclosed location in Afghanistan, according to the source, in this file photo. Bin Laden, in a statement mostly made up of quotations from the Quran and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, called on Pakistanis Thursday, Oct. 1, 2001, to ``make Islam victorious,'' saying the government there has chosen to stand ``under the banner of the cross,'' in a statement sent to the Qatari-based Al-Jazeera satellite channel. In the background is a banner with a verse from the Quran, Islam's holy book. (AP Photo/File)

Dupa Kim Kardashian, a venit si randul membrilor familiei lui Osama Bin Laden, fondatorul Al Qaida, sa fie vizitata de infractori.

FILE–Exiled Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden speaks in 1998 at a meeting at an undisclosed location in Afghanistan, according to the source, in this file photo. Bin Laden, in a statement mostly made up of quotations from the Quran and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, called on Pakistanis Thursday, Oct. 1, 2001, to „make Islam victorious,” saying the government there has chosen to stand „under the banner of the cross,” in a statement sent to the Qatari-based Al-Jazeera satellite channel. In the background is a banner with a verse from the Quran, Islam’s holy book. (AP Photo/File)

Potrivit presei franceze, hotii au intrat pe acoperisul cladirii unde se afla apartamentul parizian de 200 de metri patrati al familiei Bin Laden, aflat la etajul patru, pe strada Montaigne. Spre bucuria spargatorilor, in apartament se afla un seif, bucurie care s-a transformat in dezamagire cand, dupa ce au reusit sa-l sparga, nu au gasit nimic inauntru. Averea familiei Bin Laden, apropiata de familia regala saudita, este considerata una din cele mai importante din regat. Nu se cunoaste exact gradul de parentalitate al membrilor acestei familii cu cel care a organizat atentatele din 11 septembrie din SUA. Politia franceza a deschis o ancheta. O alta vedeta, de data aceasta ultramediatizata, Kim Kardashian, a fost jefuta in octombrie anul trecut, intr-un luxos hotel din Paris, agresorii plecand cu bijuterii in valoare de 9 milioane de euro, cel mai important furt de acest gen de la o persoana particulara din Franta ultimilor 20 de ani.

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Bogdan Borcea
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